Last update 09.09.2024

This Risk Disclosure Statement (hereinafter referred to as the “Statement”) is part of the Terms of Use of the trading and analytical tool available at: https://b-world.trade (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) and should be read in conjunction with them. Capitalized terms used in this Statement shall have the meanings set forth in the Terms. Any access to certain functionality of the trading and analytical tool, within which users (hereinafter also referred to as “you“) gain access to trading signals and the ability to set up automated trading on trading signals through the use of a specially developed B-World bot (hereinafter also referred to as the “Service“) or any associated software and any services offered or provided by us is subject to your acceptance of the risks set forth in this Statement and your acceptance of responsibility for them. You should be aware that all risks set forth herein are not exhaustive and are not presented in any purported order of priority.


Use of the Service is recommended only to users who have a full understanding of all associated risks. In particular, you should be aware of the high volatility of the digital asset market and the possibility of total or substantial losses. You are responsible for investing only those funds that you are ready to lose.


Despite our efforts to ensure high security standards, we cannot guarantee that the Service will be completely protected from malware, hacker attacks or other threats. The use of technology and dependence on computer systems to perform business functions makes digital assets and the Service vulnerable to operational and information risks. Cyber attacks can involve gaining unauthorized access to digital systems to misappropriate assets or confidential information, corrupt data, or cause operational disruptions. In addition, attacks on the infrastructure are possible, for example, with a denial of service. Even cyber security failures or disruptions by third party providers (such as software or cloud service providers) can have a negative impact on the digital assets and the Service. The Service may also contain errors, vulnerabilities or other defects that could materially affect its operation and result in losses to you or other users.


Digital assets are based on blockchain technology, which can be subject to technical failures, increased transaction fees, network changes, or even protocol forks. We do not control any underlying blockchain and are not responsible for its operation, security, functionality or availability. In the event of a malfunction or failure of the basic blockchain network, this may negatively affect the operation of the Service. In addition, cryptographic developments or technological advances, such as quantum computing, may pose a risk to the Service and related software because they may render the cryptographic consensus underlying the blockchain ineffective. Blockchain technology remains at a developmental stage and is not fully proven. Possible attacks on the blockchain network can lead to downtime, consensus split, long-term chain reorganization, or other adverse consequences that could result in the complete loss of your digital assets. There is no legal entity that controls digital assets. Instead, digital assets rely on decentralized blockchain technology to secure assets and their movement. In the event of a crisis, there is no organization that will protect the digital asset market to minimize your losses.


The Service receives information from blockchain networks and related software in an automated mode, which means that such information is not checked manually. This may result in the information being incomplete, inaccurate or untimely. We make no guarantees as to the completeness or accuracy of the information provided on the Service.


Information, any data, content and materials provided on the Service, during your use of the Service and through our communications, whether or not marked as relating to the Terms, may contain forward-looking statements based on current expectations, which include a number of risks and uncertainties. All opinions, forecasts, predictions, future plans or other statements that are not statements of historical fact are forwardlooking statements. Any development plans and forecasts, business forecasts, future functionality and projected performance of the Service, as well as prospects and future events related to any industry, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements by their nature relate to matters that are uncertain or
unknown to varying degrees. We cannot make any assurances that any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Actual events, results or outcomes may differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements.


Certain functions within the Service may be performed by third parties, and there is always a risk that such third parties will not act in a timely or reliable manner, or as expected or anticipated, or may not act, which may result in the unavailability of the functionality of the Service, or in part or complete loss of the relevant digital assets.


The logic underlying the Service may be imperfect, defective or broken, which may cause the Service to function incorrectly or not as expected, or transactions to be executed in violation of the logic underlying the applicable software, which may result in partial or total loss of digital assets used in the transaction.


Certain elements of the User interface or design decisions may confuse or mislead you, which may cause you to perform a different action or transaction than you intended, or to connect to the wrong digital wallet, account or network.


We do not provide any licensing services. Our activities are governed by various laws and regulations in various countries. In some jurisdictions, we may be required to obtain licenses or other permits to provide our services. If you discover that a certain feature of the Service requires licensing in your jurisdiction, you must notify us and stop using it. We are not responsible for your use of any information obtained through the Service. There is a risk that certain activities may be deemed to violate applicable laws or regulations. The penalties for such a potential violation are unknown, and changes in the law may affect our ability to continue to provide services. Changes in applicable laws or regulations or new interpretations of applicable laws may, in certain circumstances, result in increased compliance costs or capital expenditures, which may affect our ability to continue to implement our business model, develop and maintain the Service.


We use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security of any transactions made in connection with the use of the Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no guarantees that theft of digital assets will not occur as a result of hacking attacks, compound cyber attacks, distributed denials of service or errors, double charge attacks, flash credit attacks,  ulnerabilities or defects in the Service or related online or offline software, blockchain or otherwise. Such events may include, for example, flaws in programming or source code that lead to exploitation or abuse thereof. Any of the above may result in partial or total theft or loss of digital assets used in transactions made in connection with the use of the Service.


Digital asset prices are highly volatile and subjective, and digital assets may not have intrinsic or inherent value. Fluctuations in the prices of digital assets may materially and adversely affect the value of digital assets, which may also be subject to significant price volatility. We do not guarantee that any digital assets will retain their original value, have any particular price or any particular value, or that use of the Service will be profitable, as the value of digital assets depends on factors beyond our control, which can significantly affect the value and desirability of any particular digital asset.


Neither we nor any part of the Service provide any custodial or similar services, financial, investment, legal, tax or other professional advice, directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly or in any other way. We are not a broker, fund manager or any intermediary for any broker or fund manager, financial adviser, investment adviser, portfolio manager or tax adviser. You should not consider any information contained in the Service as a substitute for professional financial, legal, regulatory, tax or other advice. You should not rely on the data displayed on the Service in making any decision, and you should conduct your own independent investigation and research before making any transaction with digital assets. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.


The regulatory environment for digital assets continues to evolve. The application and interpretation of existing laws and regulations are often largely untested and there is no certainty as to how they will be applied. New laws and regulations will be promulgated in the future that will affect blockchain technology and digital assets, as well as related service providers, and no assurance can be given that any such changes will not adversely affect digital assets in general or the Service.

The Service may become unavailable due to changes in applicable law, and you may suffer losses due to the termination or suspension of the Service or any or all Accounts.

You understand that you are ultimately responsible for compliance with any and all laws, regulations, directives, restrictions in your location(s) of residence prior to using the Service.

We declare that we do not allow users from Prohibited Jurisdictions to use our Services. We do not offer the use of our Services to Prohibited Persons.


Transactions in digital assets may be irreversible and, accordingly, losses due to fraudulent or accidental transactions may not be recoverable.

All of your digital assets are held by a third party provider, you may lose any or all of your digital assets due to the wrongful act, negligence, bankruptcy or insolvency of the third party provider, any natural disaster, acts of civil or military authorities, acts of terrorism, civil unrest, war, strike or other labor dispute, fire, interruptions in the provision of telecommunications or Internet services or network provider services, malfunction of equipment and/or software. We will not be liable for any damages you may suffer in such circumstances.

It should be noted, in particular, that the proceeds from the trading of digital assets and other income may be subject to tax, customs duties or other fees established by the authorities in this market. Tax laws and practices regarding digital assets may not be clearly established in some countries. Thus, it is possible that the current interpretation of the law or understanding of the practice may change, or that the law may be changed

This Statement does not disclose all risks associated with the use of digital assets. You understand that it is always your responsibility to carefully evaluate all risks and determine whether your level of knowledge, financial condition and risk tolerance are suitable for using digital assets that are part of a volatile market and using the Service. You cknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for determining the nature, potential cost, suitability and acceptability of these risks to you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. In addition, you understand the risks associated with the use of the Service, including the risk of possible errors and interruptions, and you assume full responsibility for those risks.